UNLEASH your wild side

Feminine Energy, Uninhibited MOvement.

Our missioN: To free participants from any expectation that they need to be young, small, and traditionally feminine in order to be sexual. every body deserves to experience release, healing, and pleasure through uninhibited movement.

Smash is a choreographed 60-minute fitness class.

Class begins in a circle, where participants disarm by connecting and sharing in vulnerability. The circle concludes with a primal scream, breaking down the toughest of barriers to make way for a full dance experience.

Movement starts standing, then transitions to the mat, taking you through all iterations of sensuality: flirtation, seduction, power, intimacy, pleasure and grounding.

the format

what makes us different

SMASH rejects the idea that fitness is meant to modify your body. We move for joy, empowerment, connection, and healing. we seek to promote movement as a means of achieving radical self-acceptance, practicing peaceful existence in our bodies as is.

We do the things we aren’t supposed to do in smash. we work against the idea of staying sweet for the comfort of others. We strive to dismantle the systems that keep up tractable: diet culture, misogyny, fitness/wellness culture, and so much more.

our influence

The choreography in smash draws on influences from hip-hop, Pole, floor work, somatics, reiki, yoga, and culturally relevant dance trends. The movement targets muscles responsible for storing trauma, makes you feel sexy, and is fun as hell!

the music chosen for smash is intentional. songs are explicit and have sexual themes. It’s meant to feel permissive: sometimes indulgent, rule-breaking, and sensually expressive. Our songs are recent, recognizable, and easy to move to.

Go ahead, break the rules.

Go ahead, break the rules.

    meet the creator

I created SMASH in 2021 after feeling unsatisfied teaching other formats of group fitness.  At this point in time, I had been journeying through a process of radical self-acceptance, coming to peace with my body, and making a loud statement about what it means to exist in the fitness space in a big body.  
I have always connected with sexuality as an avenue for expression and healing. Other formats seemed chained and I wanted to create something that truly offered the opportunity to break the rules.  They had some soul, but they lacked permission to express the carnal rawness that women are rarely granted to opportunity to get acquainted with. 
By trade, I am a licensed clinician social worker.  I provide mental health therapy to adolescent and young adult women.  My approach to therapy is somatic experiencing (the experience of being in your body).  I believe that emotional and soul healing cannot be achieved without becoming present and comfortable in one’s body.  When we learn to befriend and eventually master our bodies, we can be unstoppable. 
I am also a wife and mother.  There have been times that I have felt limited by these roles. Through SMASH, I have learned that the truth about these roles is that they make me a more expansive person, not a limited one. I want every SMASH participant to know that they are not defined by their titles and that no matter your profession, age, size, background, sexuality, or fitness ability, you’re allowed to feel good in your body. It is my hope that this format brings you deep self-connection, freedom, and the sensual pleasure of uninhibition. 

Chelsey Dotson

Go ahead, break the rules.

Go ahead, break the rules.

SMASH is a workout for my body and soul, and I always leave feeling more capable as a woman.
— Emma
SMASH has helped me learn to love my body again, and be more appreciative of my soul.
— Lea
I LOVE SMASH! It has helped me practice self-love and acceptance and regain confidence in expressing sexuality after having a baby.
— LM